Sunday, 24 November 2019


I want to see blind eyes open from ministering a rap song; no one has done that before. Sometimes, just looking at him alone, do you know what it does? We have to show we have our God. And the man walked up to me on stage and asked me to leave. And boy what a day is was!

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And that is the second reason. I have a lot of moments. I lived with my grandmother and uncle and cousins and a whole lot of people.

People naturally think people who do my kind of music have an attitude. I realized everything Ikngzkid was doing was not even for me or for the people around me. He knigzkid me to take music seriously because it was going to take me around bby world and it was one of the reasons God brought me on earth.

He revealed apparently this same song was being played when he parted ways with his girlfriend. Not a regular interview. Some photos are in Creative commons license from wikimedia. I know they just wanted to scare me a little and derail me from what was actually going to happen. I did think he will win.

How did you come by that?

But look at me, am Supermqn arrogant? Kingzkid by Cwesi Oteng. Lyrics for I Got My Jesus on feat. We should be able to show.

Kingzkid lyrics

From our supeman, err…. I performed with NaCee and the gospel all stars and we got the best performance and we had Joe Mettle win. Top song lyrics at Lyrics. Romans 4 says, he held on to hope against hope. But rumour has it that Regardless is still shedding tears bitterly at his residence. He flew into the sky and vanished from Hollywood! I think we should choose women who are strong enough or stronger.

Please pray for Regardless. Get lyrics of Kingzkid song you love.

EmperorSey: Urban Gospel Artiste- kingzkid Ready To Compete For Superman movie Role

She had entered into my lane. This site uses cookies. Kinzgkid was trying to use David as a synonym for faith; you know standing before Goliath and all and trusting God like that.

Why did you choose Kingzkid? Interestingly, before we left church, my pastor asked us to pray about accidents.

KONVERSATION WITH KINGZKID (an extensive face-to-face interview)

Do you do music full time now? We seldom have that in our part of the world. If someone asks who Kingzkid is, what will you say? And I told him okay but supegman my music comes on people just start dancing. As a young gentleman in the music industry, what has been your greatest challenge.

News you might be interested in. Instant lyrics for all your music.

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